Number Seven - A Shade of ???

On Saturday I went in for my annual (yes annual) hair highlighting appointment. I was born with very blonde hair and like most blondes it has gotten a shade darker every decade until I was about 25. My hairdressers have said that my natural colour is technically around a 7 ash blonde. For years now I have been getting my hair highlighted 2 shades lighter and a different tone. Like golden blonde or platinum blonde. So this time I thought I'd get something new. A new look.

Here are the BEFORE pictures.... and the DURING .... (from the bathroom- HA!) and the AFTER .....

I actually LOVE IT!!! And I can't believe that I have waited so long to change my hair colour!! No more blonde!! I wonder if this will mean no more blonde jokes? (ha!) I have gotten so many compliments -- i guess that can be expected looking at the before photos. :( Many people saying that it matches my skin tone, eye colour and eye brows. And many have said that the cut changes my whole appearance. All I can say is that I love it AND I am so glad that Karen is back at Keric Funk!! Thanks Karen!!
