My first trip to BYU Idaho. Although I have zoomed past Rexburg Idaho I've never spent any time there. Carly has been there for a few years now, Josie too, both going to BYU-Idaho. Carly informs me that it is far better than BYU-Provo, so I'm glad I got to check it out for myself.
It is quite a pretty little campus. I always thought it's be pretty windy there, and it was. I was glad I was there in April and not January! There was some construction going on - I think that may always be happening. And the city that has sprung up around the university is a fun little town. They have amazing Mexican food - in fact I had the best Mexican food of my life there. I'm not exaggerating either. It was amazing!
But the real reason for making the trip was to attend Carly's graduation. She has really re-defined for me what being a "good" students means. She studied hard and graduated in the top of her class. She is an amazing student and now she is a teacher. I loved Carly's answer to the often asked question of "so, what are you going to do now?" She'd simply answer, "Anything I want." I am proud of her.

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