Well this first happened on my trip to Winnipeg with Ellie and the other Keewatin Figure Skating Club "Stars on Ice" fans!
I was so looking forward to seeing Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir skate! Finding out that they were on the tour sealed the deal for me - Ellie and I were absolutely going to see them! I didn't even care who else was on the ticket. We had watched them, taped them and watched them again at the Olympics this year, so to see them live ... well it simply was not to be missed. My niece Clara was really excited to see Joannie Rochette - she's been following her for the past couple of years.
Well when we got there I was even more thrilled to see that Kurt Browning and Jamie Salle and David Pelletier were skating too!!! I love them! There was also Jeffery Buttle, Shawn Sawyer, Cynthia Phaneuf, Marie-France Dubreuil and Patrice Lauzon and an up-and-coming junior skater, Adam Rippon!
Kurt Browning did a number to "I Did It My Way", ... in hockey skates! Virtue and Moir did their signature move called "The Goose". Virtue poses with her knee on Moir's back, arms spread and transitions to a one-rotation jump off. Salle and Pelletier were amazing as well. They did this awesome routine to a Micheal Jackson song! All of them were spectacular!!
And we were so close, only six rows up, we could see their expressions clearly ... and that was fun to see! The lights, music, and group numbers were amazing too. I tried to take a few photos...
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