Lordy, Lordy Look Who's Forty!

 If you missed it, piled way back many blogs and a few months ago.  I am, that's who! teehee!

I started this blog before I turned thirty-nine in an attempt to push myself to get moving on my list of dreams.  I've had a great life and a huge list of things i want to do!  I really just want to spice it up, mix it up, scare myself spitless and have fun.  I thought that doing and recording 39 New Things would be the way to let myself know (aka prove) that I had lived.  Not just lived, but really gone for it, you know?  I started in January and wondered if I could do all 39 before I turned 39 ... but that was only five months.  A tad unrealistic, but as the saying goes, "shoot for the moon and you'll hit the stars."  On my 39th birthday I went for a float plane ride #21.  Undaunted I have kept on tracking the new things I have done.  Though as time went on with less need to prove a point.  New things happen and come into my life spontaneously all the time.  I have planned and gone out of my way to make them happen too.  Most of all what has come through this little experiment or game of mine is that I have a deeper appreciation for how great my life has been and how good it really is.

Some highlights that I will blog more in depth are:
  • Singing for the Shoephoria kick off party and being recorded by David Cassiey! (Thanks Kris for that opportunity!)
  • Co-Hosting Q 104 Morning Show with Ken O'Neil and my nieces!
  • A trip to Thailand with my son Erik where there were all kinds of New Things happening and so many shenanigans that I have to blog about!  Hilarious!
  • Going to a writers' workshop with Armin Wiebe and really learning! ( just as an aside, as a pre-med, pre-nursing and then health major, creative writing wasn't in the mix of required classes.  this was a first for me.)
There are more and photos too.  It may take a while, but some of it is so great and funny that it really MUST be shared!   Oh, I almost forgot.  Always wanting to present myself a challenge, like life isn't challenging in and of itself, I wondered if I could read 40 books in a year.  I began September 2010 and by September 2011 I had read 40 books.  I will post my favourites off that list shortly. : )  

i know what you're thinking... "promises, promises.  now she won't post again for a year!"
