In the last couple of months I have discovered Brené Brown!!
and speak to my work and my life.
Life really is all about connection!
Needless to say I am reading her book The Gifts of Imperfection and in her book she talks about PRACTISING gratitude as being essential to living a whole-hearted life
- that is having Joy in your life.
Gratitude isn't something you are -
like "be grateful"
and it's not only something you
ThinK or FeeL.
it's not just an AttitudE.
Rather Gratitude is at it's most meaningful and most life changing when it is
- so it is spoken, written, it is thoughtful acts of kindness, it is shown!
One thing Brené found in her research is that the Whole-Hearted, the most resilient, joyful and happy among us,
actively do things to acknowledge and celebrate all that is in their lives.
Some keep gratitude journals and express gratitude out loud to those in their lives.
So, Brené began having Fridays be a day to PRACTICE Gratitude.
She called it T.G.I.F.
So in the spirit of Brené . Here is my T.G.I.F. list for today Friday July 13th, 2012.
that with diligence,
team work
honest, bold actions
by me, Jer and the kids
we will be able to cross some major (MAJOR) TO-DOs off the list TODAY!
for my life's path - that i married who i married, that we have chosen to bring our children into this world, that we have chosen to live where we live, all so that i could work and associate with the people i see every week
BECAUSE i am on the right track in my life.
And there is nothing better in the whole world than having the deep-down-in-your-soul knowing that you are right where you are meant to be!!!
so that i can learn the things i need to learn, i can give of myself to the people in my life/community and i am becoming exactly who i want to be. (when i grow up) :-)
by people who really make time
to be thoughtful
to connect with friends old and new
to give to others
people who are caring, compassionate, thoughtful and kind
That's my first TGIF list! and I am really glad it is Friday, especially because I have taken this day off!!
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