Creativity, Artistry and Strength - 3 Attributes I'll need

Day 7: The 151st Antigonish Highland Games bring Inspiration and Balance

I arrived here on campus a week ago today.  That hardly seems possible at all - I feel as though I have been here much, much longer when I think of all that I have done and all the things that I have learned. It's also been a bit of a blur.

I realized last night that I would be remiss if I did not take some time in my day to go to the Highland Games.  I brought with me readings and assignments and found the only spot of shade on the entire field and sat and read and thought.  At one point I looked up to from my reading to find myself surrounded by a sea of kilts, as a pipe band had come to the shady spot too.  It was a great way to decompress - listening to the music (i like bagpipes outside), see the darling dancers and be astounded by the Heavy Events - these were shocking really, especially the caber toss and the tug-of-war.

I also got to finally eat the wood oven pizza that I saw at the street fair on Wednesday.  It was fabulous.

really awesome pizza

Quote of the Day

"  "

1. Unwinding from time to time is a must - I actually worked better during and after the games.
2.  The theory of Adult Ed that most resonates with me is a mix of 3.  This is likely true of almost everyone. :)
3.  It's important to be humble, slow down and observe, think things through and ask questions. Walks and journaling bring clarity.  

Walked: 20 minutes   Cardio: 30 minutes     Pages read:  50  Finished pages written: notes/journal only
