oh, the shame....

i am a very bad blogger indeed. i haven't posted anything since May... you'd think i didn't think there was anyone reading and that having not reached my initial goal of 39 new things i am hiding away? (please note: previous sentence is marked with extreme sarcasm!)

while it's true those things are part of it, it's also true that i haven't had much time, energy or inspiration. summer is also very distracting to me---all i want to do is play. :)

so to review... i'm in my 40th year. yup. now what to do to make turning 40 fun and feeling good? that's the question!! so i have decided a couple of, well for lack of a better word, challenges to pose to myself.

  • The first is to read 40 books this year (reading list to be posted shortly - if anyone reads this and has recommendations please let me know because i LOVE a GOOD book!)

  • The second to review and make sure that i have swam, canoed or fished in 40 lakes/bodies of water over the course of my lifetime before my 40th year is over. (again - list to be posted)

  • And third to finish 40 things that i have started... you may think i'm joking - that i couldn't possibly have 40 unfinished things to do. hahaha!! but you'd be mistaken. i'm the kind of person with so many ideas that in my lifetime i couldn't possibly do them all, but i try anyway. i don't get down on myself about this characteristic - i think it's great, interesting and i actually do (and finish) more than many people i know. so this list of 40 is being generated and will be posted soon. and the first thing on the list - though they won't be completed in order - is to do 19 more new things to finish my 39 new things goal!

Just for kicks I have added a sat. image of where i live.... you can see the 40 lakes goal, won't be that hard to do - in fact throughout my life i think have already reached it! but i'd like to add a few more and swimming is out from Oct- May so i'd better get on it .... oh, i don't do the "polar bear swim" thing and no that will not be on my list of things to do...EVER.
