I did finally finish ...


This photo was taken June 6th 2019 after we went out for supper as a family to celebrate the completion of my Masters' Degree in Adult Education from St. Francis Xavier University.   

I have blogged about the experience of going to Antigonish, Nova Scotia when the whole journey started back in 2014 so I thought I should record that I did finally finish the degree! 

What did I learn through the process?

First, I learned a lot about adult learning and adult education.  This comes in handy with my roles at work and my life.  Second, I learned what I am capable of doing.  Completing my degree took some serious dedication, diligence and grit.  I had to set things aside that I loved.  I had to dig deep and really push myself.  

When I started the program they gave you 5 years to complete the degree.  I was reluctant to ask for an extension, even though I had cause.  I didn't want to keep paying the modest annual tuition fee either. So starting in September I buckled down.  I had to let go of "perfect" and "amazing" and just get-'r-done - as my brother-in-law who is a university professor said in the blueberry patch the summer of 2018, "I'll let you in on a secret Lisa, none of them are."  

For the next 9-10 months I brought supper with me to the office every day and stayed late.  Most nights I left around 10 or 11.  I went in on Saturdays and Sundays after church.  I practically lived at the office.  I typed so much that I think I developed arthritis in my finger joints; the distal left pinky finger joint still aches from time to time.  But I had to do it, I wanted to finish and I wanted to delve into the issues I was researching and writing about - ableism and how it is overcome through transformative learning experiences.  

After I finished I felt I would never again have the same view of my ability to do hard things and that I actually had more energy than I thought I could spare.  Funny thing is as I sit here typing this in March of 2021, some 21 months later, I have to be honest and say that energy and drive has not stuck with me every single day.  I have done some pretty hard things since then, but I have a compassionate and kind attitude towards myself - to do what I can, when I can and if I don't its okay.  Self-compassion and Self-Love is the foundation for a happy and wholehearted life.  

I am glad to be done.  I don't think I'll do a PhD though .... another thing I discovered is that I hate writing literature reviews! Every other part of the process was alright, but lit reviews make me want to poke my eyes out with boredom.  
